
manor history
Suur-Merijoki manor house was built in 1902-1903 near Vyborg by Eliel Saarinen, Herman Gesellius and Armas Lindgren.
The owner of the estate was Maximilian Othmar Neuscheller, a Swiss-born manufacturer based in St. Petersburg.
The main building of the manor was one of the finest examples of Finnish national romantic style.

In 1927, the Finnish state acquired the Suur-Merijoki estate and it was used by the Finnish Air Force.
The creation of the airfield known as Suur-Merijoen lentokentällä (или аэродром Селезнёво) was completed in 1929.
The main building of the estate served as the officers' club.

photo source:

Suur-Merijoki manor was bombed during the Winter War.
Photos fron Finnish wartime photograph archive:

September 1941
...and was almost completely destroyed later.

May 2022, current state.
I created rendered images of the house.
March 2019, 3ds Max/Corona Renderer.